Harlan Dodson Recognized for 50 Years of Practicing Law During NBA’s Bar Banquet

January 6, 2020

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Harlan Dodson’s practice of law. The Nashville Bar Association recognized this significant milestone at its Annual Bar Banquet this past December.

After graduating college at Duke University, Dodson came home to Nashville to study law at Vanderbilt University. He started his law practice with his father’s firm, Hooker, Keeble, Dodson, & Harris.  In 1985, he founded Dodson & Associates, which later merged with Shipley & Behm in 1988, and has now grown into Dodson Parker Behm & Capparella, PC.

In addition to maintaining a vibrant law practice, Dodson regularly presents at CLEs, teaches estate planning at the Nashville School of Law,  authors the annually updated Introduction to Estate Planning and Administration in Tennessee, and serves as the editor to the West Publishing Company’s Tennessee Practice Series volumes on business formation and estate planning.

Dodson has received extensive recognition for his efforts at improving not only the legal community, but the Nashville community as a whole.